Family Reunion Location Committee

The location can make or break a well-planned reunion


When choosing a family reunion location for your family reunion you should keep in mind that it should be easy access to the majority of your family members. An ideal option is choosing a location that is close to most of your family to reduce travel costs and to allow for the most attendees.

The Location Chair can look at websites and make phone calls to locations that look promising.  Find out the total cost, availability, deposit required, amenities, lodging and parking facilities.  When a few locations look desirable, present them to the Reunion Committee for a final decision.

  • See that parking is sufficient.
  • Determine what, if any, cooking and serving equipment is available at the site. Paper plates, plastic cutlery, and drinking glasses will cut down on washing up.  Make sure there are sufficient trash receptacles with liners.
  • Are there housekeeping supplies? Take note and determine what is available and what is needed.
  • Find out what amenities are available. The site could offer activities for families or individuals for times between organized meals and entertainment. Share the information with the Events and Activities Committee.  Some activities may require additional cost and reservations.
  • See what the site offers to family members with special needs. Are the restrooms easily accessible?
  • Many facilities do not allow pets, let people know to arrange for their care while absent.
  • Once the location has been determined, a personal visit by the Location Chair might be helpful in making further decisions regarding the event.
  • Assign a set-up committee that will decorate the main gathering area and make sure everything is ready and attractive. Direction signs placed along the road will guide attendees to the site.  A table by the door for the guest book, name tags, schedule of activities, photos, and lodging information will welcome the family.  If decorating outside, take care to anchor items securely.  The Family History Committee can have the guest book, name tags, etc. printed ahead of time and help man the area.
  • Assign a clean-up committee that will take down decorations and move any furniture back to its original place. Clean up all trash and recyclables.  Remove direction signs from the roadway.
  • If there are families traveling from a distance, check neighboring towns for lodging for the nights before and after the reunion if they are needed.