Every family likes to know who their ancestors are. Many of them already have a great deal of information and there are those who would love to know more. The Family History Committee can prepare a questionnaire that can go to families with the initial invitation and completed online or returned in the mail.
- Choose a committee or other family member who is knowledgeable of the family tree to give a presentation of family history highlights. Many families boast an enthusiastic genealogist who would be willing to share the family history. This is, after all, the reason for the gathering. It is one of the most memorable activities and all generations will appreciate it.
- Capture the memories of the event with a professional photographer or videographer or designated family member. If hiring a professional, do so beforehand and include the expense in the budget.
- Compile a family history from questionnaires completed and returned. To help with the expense of the reunion, guests could order a copy for a charge.
- A guest book at the door for families to sign and leave comments will let everyone know who has already arrived. A guest book can bring enjoyment and memories well after everyone has gone home.
- Name tags can alleviate confusion if the group is getting together for the first time or the first time in several years. Name tags can be made ahead of time and picked up by the guest book. There are probably new marriages, babies, and cousins who are not familiar with each other or which family they belong to.
- A family tree on the wall would catch attention and be a gathering place.
- Photos can be shared and remembered. One family member may be able to identify a person or place in a photo belonging to someone else.